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Join our new
FreedUp Class!

Finances can be stressful, regardless of where you are in life or how much money you have. The good news is that you can break free from the burden of financial stress and experience the true freedom that God has for you. FreedUp has been proven to help individuals achieve genuine financial freedom and spiritual growth.


What is Freedup?
FreedUp is a stewardship training program that provides culturally relevant resources to guide and equip believers in managing money through Biblical wisdom. It is beneficial for people in any financial situation, from those in debt to the wealthy. The app covers various aspects of financial stewardship, such as earning, giving, saving, spending, and debt.
Is this a campaign to raise money?
No, FreedUp is not a fundraising campaign and does not solicit donations.
What does FreedUp cost?
FreedUp costs $19 for an individual or a couple. Upon registering, you will receive a special code from State Street that grants you one year of access to FreedUp. As a church, we are able to offer a discounted rate.

Austin & Becca - a FreedUp Story

The big idea of FreedUp: Lean into financial discipline and witness God's incredible works. Read this story about a family whose faith was strengthened, and their foundation as a couple made more secure, through discipline.

Ready to get going?

Want to engage in FreedUp with an in-person group? Join Pastor Nate Loucks on Monday for six weeks starting on September 9th from 6-7:30 PM at State Street Community Church!